Like the Pronouns, Nouns also have 2nd form as these Nouns play the role of Subject and Object as usually the Helping Verbs are changed according to the forms of Nouns also.
1. Generally the plural of Nouns are formed by adding 's' to singular Nouns.
Ex: Book - Books
Chair - Chairs
Boy - Boys
Also we add 'es' to singular Nouns when they are ended with the letters 'o', 'ch', 'ss', 'sh' etc.
Ex: Mango - Mangoes
Bunch - Bunches
Bus - Buses
Bush - Bushes
But for the Nouns ending in 'o' and are preceded by Vowel we use 's' only.
Ex: Studio - Studios
Cuckoo - Cuckoos
Folio - Folios
2. The Nouns ends in 'y' and are preceded by Consonant get the plurals by changing 'y' into 'ies'.
Ex: City - Cities
Baby - Babies
Lorry - Lorries
Lady - Ladies... etc.
But when these Nouns are preceded by a Vowel we use 's' only.
Ex: Boy - Boys
Monkey - Monkeys
Valley - Valleys.
3. When the Nouns end with the letters 'f' or 'fe', they are changed into 'ves'.
Ex: Wife - Wives
Leaf - Leaves
Life - Lives
Thief - Thieves
But some Nouns we use 's' only even they end in 'f' or 'fe'.
Ex: Chief - Chiefs
Brief - Briefs
Cafe - Cafes
Proof - Proofs
4. The internal vowel is changed in some Nouns.
Ex: Man - Men
Goose - Geese
Mouse - Mice
Child - Children
Tooth - Teeth
5. Some Nouns are same in singular and plural also.
Ex: Sheep - Sheep
Deer - Deer
Trout - Trout
Poultry - Poultry
Cattle - Cattle
6. Some Nouns are always considered as plurals.
Ex: Scissors
7. Some Nouns look like singular but they are considered as plural forms.
Ex: Physics
News....... etc.
8. Compound Nouns form their plurals by using the plural of the Main Noun.
Ex: Mother-in-law - Mothers-in-law
Daughter-in-law - Daughters-in-law
Step-son - Step-sons
Step-mother - Step-mothers
Man-of-war - Men-of-war
According to the above singular and plural forms of Nouns and Pronouns the Helping Verbs like 'Be' forms, 'Possessive' forms and 'Do' forms are changed.
But coming to Modal Auxiliaries they are not changed according to the form of Subject / Object. They are used according to the following concepts.
In-fact Modal Auxiliaries reflect our Personality means our Probabilities, our Responsibilities, our Abilities, our Manners, our Braver and our Habits are shown by them.
Will / Shall -------- say our Future Ideas.
May / Might -------say our Probabilities.
Can / Could ------- say our Abilities.
Should / ought to / Must ------- say our Obligations or Responsibilities.
Need to ----------- say our Necessity.
Dare to ------ ---- say our Bravery.
Used to / Would --------- say our Past Habits.
IMPORTANT NOTE: That means when we want to learn how to convey our views in English, we must learn to say each and every view related to present and past and with Modal Auxiliaries. That means we have timely related views and personality related views.
Timely related views are said by 'be' forms, 'possessive forms and 'do' forms. Personality related views are said by Modal Auxiliaries.
Continue to ......... Part - 4