Mainly there are two types of Questions they are:
1. Confirmative Questions.
2. Informative Questions.
1. Confirmative Questions: The questions which get the answer either 'yes' or 'no' are called Confirmative questions. These are always started with Helping Verbs. They are also in two ways like Positive and Negative.
Positive: H.V + SUB / OBJ + M.V + ........?
Negative: H.V + SUB / OBJ + NOT + M.V + .....? (OR)
H.V + NOT + SUB / OBJ + M.V +......?
2. Informative Questions: The questions which get the information about places, things, persons, reason, number, quantity etc., are called Informative Questions.
These are started with Questioning words, mainly these are eight Questioning words, which start with 'Wh'. So, they are called as "Wh" questions also.
Here this "Question Rule" is like this.
Positive: Q.W + H.V + SUB / OBJ + M.V +...........?
Negative: Q.W + H.W + NOT + SUB / OBJ + M.V +.........?
The Eight "Wh" Questions and others are as follows:
Questioning Words Information
What Things, place, work....etc.
Where Place
Who Person (sub)
Whom Person (obj)
When Time
Why Reason
Which Specific thing, place, work etc.
How Style of work and existence
How much Quantity
How far Distance
How long Period of time
How often Frequency
How many Number
NOTE: These Questioning words are also used as Conjunctions to join the two or more sentences. In such usage these are considered as Adverb clause, Adjective clause, Noun clause etc., according to "What they denote".
After learning the rules of Sentence and Questions we must be able to say and ask all the views which are conveyed with guarantee (or) without guarantee.
Now let us learn the "VIEWS" one by one how to say with 100% guarantee and below 100% guarantee in the following Chapters.
- To follow the next Chapter open "POSITION" page in order to learn about the VIEWS in detail.