If we can not balance both Helping Verbs and the forms of Main Verbs correctly, sometimes the meaning is spoiled and some times the meaning is changed. To avoid it we must remember the following table to convey our thoughts correctly.
Generally the views related to our existence or possession or work are conveyed with others in Simple manner, and in Completed manner and in Continuous manner according to it the balancing of Helpings and Main Verbs must be as follows.
Simple: 'Do forms / 13 Model auxiliaries + 1st form (Present form)
Completed: (-) + 2nd form (Past form)
Has / have / had + 3rd form (Past Participle form)
Continuous: 'Be' forms + 'Ing' form (Present Participle)
NOTE: But in the Passive voice we have to use 'Be' forms + M.V. 3rd form,
we can have detailed study of Passive Voice in the coming chapters.
Here onwards to be able to use them perfectly we start learning one after one on the basis of "VIEWS". 100% commonly existed in every language, one by one observing how to say them with 100% guarantee and without 100% guarantee.
Generally when we convey the views related to Present and Past are guaranteed ones and the views related to future are non-guaranteed ones. But, we have to understand that the non-guaranteed views can be related to Present and Past also.
Whatever the time it is, non-guaranteed views are said with 13 Modal Auxiliaries as they give below 100% guarantee.
As we came to know in the beginning that saying and answering are the two pillars of the communication, we must know that both saying (sentence) and asking (question) are of two kinds.
Generally to say and ask things in both ways we must require the "Helping Verbs". According to the concept of sentence and questions the Helping Verbs change their places as follows.
Positive Sentence: Subject / Object + H.V + M.V +.........
Negative Sentence: Subject / Object + H.V + not + M.V + .......
NOTE: We have so many negative words like "not, no, nobody, nothing, none, noone, nowhere, neither, nor, never and all opposite words". In them particularly 'not' is used after the Helping Verbs in the negative sentences.
Grammatically the rest of the words are considered as Adjectives and Adverbs and Nouns also according to the situation we use.