




MAY : Sub + M.A + M.V 1st form.

     She may reach the target.
     She may not reach the target.
     Might she reach the target?
     Might she not reach the target?
     How might she reach the target?

Obj:  Obj + M.A + M.V 1st form......

     The target may be reached by her.
     The target may not be reached by her.
     Might the target be reached by her?
     Might the target not be reached by her?
     How might the target reached by her?


     She can change him.
     She can not change him.
     Can she change him?
     Can she not change him?
     How can she change him?

     He can be changed by her.
     He can not be changed by her.
     Can he be changed by her?
     Can he not he changed by her?
     How can he be changed?


     You could arrange the party.
     You could not arrange the party.
     Could you arrange the party?
     Couldn't you arrange the party?
     How could you arrange the party?

     Party could be arranged.
     Party could not be arranged.
     Could the party be arranged?
     Couldn't the party be arranged?
     How could the party be arranged?


     You should start the work.
     You should not start the work.
     Should you start the work?
     Shouldn't you start the work?
     When should you start the work?

     The work should be started.
     The work should not be started.
     Should the work be started?
     Shouldn't the work be started?
     When should the work be started?


     He must improve fluency.
     He must not improve fluency.
     Must he improve fluency.
     Must he not improve fluency?

     His fluency must be improved.
     His fluency must not be improved.
     Must his fluency be improved?
     Must his fluency not be improved?


     She needs to make a plan.
     She needs not to make a plan.
     Need she to make a plan?
     Need she not to make a plan?
     What plan need to make?

     A plan needs to be made.
     A plan needs not be made.
     Need a plan to be made?
     Need a plan not to be made?
     Which plan needs to be made?


     She dares to talk.
     Dare she to talk?


     She used to write stories.
     She used not to write stories.
     Used her to write stories?
     Used she not write stories? 

     Stories used to be written.
     Stories used not to be written.
     Used the stories to be written?
     Used the stories not to be written?

Saying Simple Works with one Main Verb for easy study:

     I play (do play) every day.
     I will play tomorrow.
     I may play.
     I can play.
     I could play.
     I should play.
     I must play.
     I need to play
     I dare to play.
     I used to play

Direct Object:

     Notes are written.
     Notes will be written.
     Notes may be written.
     Notes can be written.
     Notes could be written.
     Notes should be written.
     Notes must be written.
     Notes need to be written.
     Notes used to be written.

Indirect Object: 

     He is promoted every year.
     He will be promoted.
     He may be promoted.
     He might be promoted.
     He needs to be promoted.
     He used to be promoted.
     He can be promoted.
     He could be promoted.
     He should be promoted.
     He must be promoted.


1. Just write at-least 10 sentences on each and every day.
2. Have the oral practice with sentences and questions by having the consciousness on their meaning with the given Vocabulary in the List of Main Verbs Table.

                                                 Continue to......... Part - 7 (Completed Works)

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