


     Speaking is an "ART". That art is aired by "VIEW". These views are carved by "WORDS".

        Then the speech or communication moves and runs on an on with the force of "Sound". When the sound is perfect it produces a "Rhythm". That rhythm of Speech admires the listener like "Music".

     To make our speech like music to admire others some consistent practice module is important.

     In-fact every person in the world is habituated to at-least one language. Generally it is called their mother tongue.

    In-fact the mother tongue means the language in which we think.

      Here we must understand that there are innumerable languages. But in each and every language the VIEWS are same and forever and limited and are not born newly, because of this, one if we learn how to convey our VIEWS with others in any language, we can easily communicate. That means we should know that one known language is the root of learning any kind of unknown language.

      To convey the VIEWS in any kind of language there are mainly 2 pillars. They are "Saying and Asking". Here Saying is Sentence, Asking is Question. What we say and ask are a group of words. These group of words are called a "Phrase" and a "Sentence" and a "Clause".

Ex: Phase : -"in the class room", "at the door"

      Sentence :  - I am in the class room.

      Clause :  - When I am in the class room, I am calm.

NOTE:  A Phrase doesn't contain "Verb".

           A Sentence must contain "Verb".

           A Clause is "a sentence which starts with Conjunction and also 
           one in the combination of two or more sentences.
  •  We can have detailed study about Clauses in the coming chapters

     Observing the above things we can know the importance of words.

      The words in every language have their own identity with their meaning, place and the role they play. According to the meanings and role they play, all the words are divided into Eight Parts. These are called "Parts of Speech".

They are:

      1. NOUN.

      2. PRONOUN.

      3. ADJECTIVE.

      4. VERB.
      5. ADVERB.



NOTE:  The role and the meanings of the words in every language are same but the places are different.

     Regarding to the places of words no one should apply the system of their own language. When a person wants to learn the new language, he
 must have the idea about the places of words in that language.

     If we want to know the correct places and uses of the words we must directly start learning from "Sentence" form. Why because the words are part of sentences. They are used according to situation.

     Generally the form of Sentence in English is as follows:

     Sentence:  Subject + Verb + Object.

      When we observe the form of the sentence we can come to know that it starts with Subject. In-fact a sentence can be started both with Subject and Object also. But the rules we apply for both are different.

      Here, we have to know that in the places of subject and objects. The Nouns and Pronouns are used that means Nouns and Pronouns play the role of Subjects and Objects.

     So, at first we have to learn about the Nouns and Pronouns.

      In-fact the Nouns and Pronouns are nothing but the persons, things, places, animals etc., that can be seen and touched or can be unseen and untouched.

      They have some kinds, forms and Gender.

      Let us know about them one by one in the coming lessons.

                                             Continue to ...... Nouns and kinds of Nouns


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