In the previous lessons we came to know how to convey our Position and Possessiveness. Now onwards we are going to learn the views related to works / actions.
To convey about our works what we do (Simple Works) , What we did (Completed Works), what we are doing (Continuous Works), we have to use the four forms of Main Verbs.
Present Past Past Participle Present Participle
(or) Gerund
Go Went Gone Going
Come Came Come Coming
Break Broke Broken Broking
NOTE: For the detailed study of Main Verbs refer "Verbs" Chapter.
- In the above four forms of Main Verbs 1st form is used to say the Simple Works.
- 2nd and 3rd forms are used to say the Completed Works.
- "ing" form is used to say Continuous works with the support of Helping Verbs.
Particularly Actions point of view we should know how to covey our thoughts by applying two rules. They are Subject rule (Active Voice) and Object rule (Passive Voice).
That means regarding to works we convey who does them, what is done and to whom a work is done means whom the result of works is transmitted.
In them the views we convey based on the person, thing who does are said that they are based on Subject rule.
NOTE: When they contain the "Object" we say that they are in
"Active Voice",the views which are in active voice can only be said in
Passive Voice also.
When we say the views related to "Subject" rule the usage of Helping Verbs and the forms of Main Verbs must be in the following order.
Helping Verbs + Main Verbs
Simple Works == Do forms + M.V. 1st form.
Completed works == - + M.V 2nd form.
Has / Have / Had + M.V 3rd form.
Continuous Works == "Be" forms + M.V "Ing" form.
But when we convey the views related to "Object rule" means Passive Voice the usage of Verbs must be as follows.
- Regarding to Passive Voice the Main Verb must always be in 3rd form.
But to repeat the same 'sense' and same tense which are in Active Voice we use 'Be' forms before the 3rd form of Main Verb as follows:
Continue to ..... Part -2