When we want to say our desires, generally we use either want (or) wish. Instead of them if we use "LIKE" it shows our interest, and if we use "WOULD LIKE" it shows our stronger desires means our wholeheartedness. But if we use "SHOULD LIKE" it shows our strongest desires.
Instead of all of them if we use "FEEL LIKE" it shows friendly nature.
I want to speak. (Casual)
I like to speak. (Interest)
I would like to speak. (Stronger desire)
I should like to speak. (Strongest desire)
I feel like to speak. (Wholeheartedness)
NOTE: In the above all expressions if we take us "WOULD LIKE" to say our
desires, our expression is polished and effective.
By using 'WOULD LIKE' we can come to know one's desires also.
Generally when a guest comes to our house while coming to know his intention we ask as follows:
What do you want? (Irrespective / Casual)
What would you like to take? (Politeness)
What do you feel like to take? (Friendly nature)
Would / Do you feel like to take coffee?
Would you like to take coffee?
Would you like to take coffee or tea?
Do you feel like to take coffee or tea?
NOTE: 'WOULD' always reflects our good manners.
When we say what we prefer when we have two or more options.
If we use 'prefer' it is casual.
If we use "WOULD LIKE -RATHER THAN" it is polished and effective.
I prefer coffee to tea. (Casual)
I would like to take coffee rather than taking tea.
I would like to settle in India rather than settling in abroad.
Continue to............... Degrees of Comparison Part - 1.